On May 29, 2020,the first batch of equipment of EPC project of Uzbekistan cement plant contracted by pengfei group were sent to Xinjiang Khorgos port.

Pengfei group signed a turnkey project with Uzbekistan for 3300 T / d clinker cement production line. The project covers engineering design, civil construction, complete equipment, installation and commissioning. Pengfei group has the ability and confidence to provide customers with high-quality projects and submit a satisfactory answer.

 the Spring Festival, the corona has been out-broken while equipment production and civil construction turned into the critical period. Pengfei group, on the one hand, did a good job in epidemic prevention and control, donating 50000 protective masks to the owners; on the other hand, overtime production and on-site construction was carried out in a tense and orderly manner, minimizing the impact of the epidemic on project construction.Pengfei group is strives to implement the "going global" strategy, actively looking for opportunities in the "one belt and one way" interconnection and international cooperation, accelerating the implementation of the contracted projects and completing a batch of cement production lines and grinding station projects.

Pengfei group
built more than 100 cement production lines .Besides, its products were exported to more than 70 countries and regions, including Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Ethiopia, Zambia, Algeria, Brazil, Brazil and Brazil.  

Triumphant news keeps pouring in.Pengfei group has participated in more than 10 overseas projects. Bangladesh's grinding station with an annual output of 1.6 million tons was completed and put into operation and Kazakhstan's alasim cement production line with an annual output of 1.2 million tons was successfully ignited. Other projects include Indonesia Qingshan nickel iron stainless steel project and Sinoma Turkey project.Moreover, Tajikistan cement production line of 3300 tons per day and the Uzbekistan eco cement general contract were successfully signed.

Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co.,Ltd.The first batch of goods of Uzbekistan cement project are delivered to the project site


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